
  1. M

    Lover 'almost killed' by huge breasts

    British woman Claire Smedley almost killed her lover during sex - with her enormous breasts. Mum-of-three Smedley, 27, who has 40LL breasts, panicked when she lifted them up while having sex and found that her lover Steven had stopped breathing. In an exclusive video interview with the News of...
  2. N

    how do you massage a girls breasts?

    im just curious for my future eperiences on how to do this .;) o and please check out my other question tooo.
  3. M

    Can massaging my breasts make them grow a cup size or more?

    so I'm a 32aa and I've been massaging my breasts for around 3 days now, and my bra is starting to feel tighter then normal. I've been massaging them for 5-10 minute in the morning then again around 2 to 5pm for about 10-15 minutes (if I can fit it in) and 20 minutes before I go to sleep. Will I...
  4. L

    How does massaging breasts work?

    How does massaging your breats everyday make them grow larger because that's what everyone says and I still don't get that ?
  5. W

    Is massaging your breasts a lot bad normal?

    my breasts are really sensitive and it feels really good to massage them ALOT. I always rub them when I have nothing to do or I'm just at home by myself etc. It's becoming a habit. Is this normal? I'm not a freak, so I don;t do it in public...
  6. W

    is massaging your breasts a lot bad normal?

    my breasts are really sensitive and it feels really good to massage them ALOT. I always rub them when I have nothing to do or I'm just at home by myself etc. It's becoming a habit. Is this normal?
  7. M

    Does massaging your breasts actually help them grow?

    So I've herd massaging your breasts enhance them to grow bigger/faster. Is this true? If so, what were the results and how long did it take to see the results. -- Also I've herd that doing breasts excercises makes them bigger/look bigger. If so what are the excercises? Thank you for...
  8. A

    Best ways to massage your breasts, while using cocoa butter?

    Hey everyone(: So, I asked a previous questions, regarding my stretch marks. Some people mentioned to get cocoa butter and massage them with that. I went out and got some. I need your help with techniques for massaging with the cocoa butter! Thanks guys(:
  9. N

    Will massaging your breasts make them plumper? :)?

    My friend told me that if you massage your breasts regularly than it will make them grow bigger. Will it make them grow or just make you horny so they just look plump? Thanks! :)
  10. P

    i'm a 32A and i want bigger boobs. what foods and massages can increase my breasts?

    i'm only 12, i'm a 32A and i want to increase my bra size. i don't want any comments like; they'll grow. or you're too young to be worrying about these things or you're body's fine the way it is. i would just like some answers and help. it's not for the boys or anything like that it's just...
  11. J

    Does massaging breasts really name them grow?

    I heard it does, and I've also heard that working the arm and chest muscles will make them grow, but if you're working the muscles, won't that burn the fat?
  12. S

    can the chi massage make breasts grow?

    ive heard that a massage called the "chi massage" actually helps promote breast growth is that true? because its natural and its a massage.
  13. C

    Will massage help enlarge breasts?

    I read somewhere that massage helps.. Does it cause to sag?
  14. C

    Will massage help enlarge breasts?

    I read somewhere that massage helps.. Does it cause to sag?
  15. D

    Quicktug Massage Pic! Perkey Breasts?

    Quick-Tug seems to be a spam, that's what people have written, they constantly advertise with a pic of a MPA with truly amazing Perkey nipples which is really a real turn-on whenever i see those perkey lovely breasts of that particular girl, but they do not disclose who is the MPA and where is...
  16. C

    can massaging your breasts make them smaller?!?

    I hear that massaging your breasts makes them bigger, but most people say thats a myth. I was wondering if theres any harm in trying. as in, will your breasts get smaller? is it possible for them to DECREASE in size instead of increasing? thanks you!
  17. D

    3 quick reviews of girls with nice breasts

    some quick reviews of big boobed girls i
  18. M

    How do you properly massage your breasts so they grow?

    I heard that this helps them grow but how do you properly massage breasts?
  19. R

    massage your breasts to make them bigger?

    i heard that it was possible to massage your breasts to make them bigger .. im not sure if the information i was given was ligament or not.. any info?