
  1. S

    subtle way to introduce fantasy?

    well my novel is a dark fantasy, very much inspired by pan's labyrinth, and is set during the 1960's. the story has a lot of symbolism based on mythology, and deals with several fantasy creatures. however, because of the modern-ish setting, i'm having a hard time introducing the fantasy aspect...
  2. M

    Best Final Fantasy for Newbie?

    I've recently got bored and have decided to take a look at final fantasy. I've never played any of them before so I have no idea what its about/what to do. I'm a teen girl (yeh, i know, lame..) but I don't mind battles and monsters or whatever. I just like something with a storyline and is fun...
  3. E

    Whats a really good Final Fantasy game for a newbie interested in the FF series?

    I'm a complete noob, but after seeing my cousin play crisis core, I kinda like Final fantasy... I have a 360, a kickass PC, and a there a solid FF game that I might like? I don't have time to start from the beginning. Please give me one or two games that I might immediately enjoy...
  4. M

    when your fantasy has been fulfilled

    how do u feel about it ? was it all u expected ? i had a longtime fantasy fulfilled last week n its made me hunger it even more now
  5. R

    tie and tease fantasy

    my fantasy at the moment would be tie and tease then a jolly good seeing too ! has anyone requested this at a massage parlour i tend to just lie there and go through the same old motions never had the bottle to ask i guess im missing out is it best to ask maid or wg?
  6. G

    In Final Fantasy, when was Cloud introduced?

    Well, as the question says, when was he introduced. I also want to know when Sephiroth came in too. I bought the two for the DS and am about to get I and II for GBA. Thanks, Garrett
  7. T

    Newbie here HELP! I am playing Fantasy Football for the first time and...

    ...don't know what order to pick player!? I get to pick 16 players by position - not actual players - the computer does that for me. We are all totally new to this and just doing it for fun. So far I have RB, RB QB, WR......then what?
  8. A

    Fantasy Football - Draft Results (newbie)?

    Who do I start or try to upgrade? QB- Chad Pennington(Bench: Brett Favre) WR - Terrell Owens, Roy Williams, Leveranues Coles, Jericho Cotchery,(Bench:Isaac Bruce, Michael Jenkins, Patrick Crayton) RB - Marion Barber, Tim Hightower (Bench: Felix Jones, Donal Brown) TE - Jason Witten...
  9. S

    Fantasy football newbie?

    I am new to fantasy football. I made a team in yahoo`s fantasy leauge and it now says Currently awaiting league assignment. It has said that for a week now what does that mean??? Will it auto draft or should I do something I don`t really get it..
  10. A

    newbie question about final fantasy 12 enemies?

    i just started playing final fantasy 12 and am currently in the giza plains. me and penelo or whatever are both currently level 5. anyway, i need to heal after every few battles but overall the enemies were all pretty easy. all of a sudden i got too close to the giza werewolves and they...