
  1. optimalelderberry25

    Question Any recommendations for a hot/cute MPA in the GTA with a Bob Cut / Short Bob hairstyle preferably in established larger Spas ?

    Any recommendations for a hot/cute MPA in the GTA with a Bob Cut / Short Bob hairstyle preferably in established larger Spas ?
  2. L

    MPA appreciation

    Given the recent LE actions and the subsequent locking of a lot of threads by the spas.. we obviously can’t and shouldn’t write too much in terms of reviews. But that doesn’t mean that some MPAs haven’t treated us well. This is just a thread to have a shoutout to any specific MPAs that have...
  3. S

    Review Gui Gui - the little pee pee that could not fuck an MPA because he is so old

    Looks like Romeo, TEM gUI gUI IS THE SAME PERSON. FAKE HANDLES - HE OWNS TURB BTW. fucking pos little jew is gui gui. No reviews, just BS. HEY GUI GUI, have you ever posted a review you rich jew boy. How much you weigh now gui gui, 110 pounds for. you sign off for a Markham townhome lately...
  4. VinnyBulbarino

    Chat MPA & SP Pet Peeves

    Gents, what are some things MPA’s or SP’s do that annoy you? One of my pet peeves is when the broad tries to put the condom on before the meat is even erect.
  5. A

    Question Any MPA who allows greek digits?

    Not sure what is the correct technical term for it, but I guess my question is clear. Does anyone here know about any MPA in SPAs (ideally non-asian ones) who allows greek digits?
  6. M

    Mature Asian MPAs

    Hey guys. I’m looking to try mature Asian MPAs. Please let me know if you have any good suggestions. Specifically looking for great massage and decent service. Please let me know your recommendations. Thank you.
  7. B

    Would you be okay if a MPA saw you at work?

    Hi all One of the regular girls I go to wants to visit me at work (I'm a chiro). She's not asking for any discounts or anything she just wants to go to my clinic. However, I don't really know if that crosses "the line"? I don't know how comfortable I am if she knows my real name, meets my...
  8. M

    Looking for MPA Lily

    Hey fellow hobby-ists, My favourite MPA has dissapeared from a spot I frequent downtown near Bloor-Yonge. Her "name" was Lily, asian spinner type, in shape, shaved, with a butterfly tattoo on her lower back. If anyone has seen her at a different spa or etc please PM me or reply. Thanks a ton.
  9. R

    What do I do from here? Seeing an MPA outside the spa

    I came across an massage parlour attendant in 2020. Her name starts with K. Ever since then, I always see her when I visit that particular massage parlour (Hands from Heaven, later became Seduction Spa in 2023). Every visit was better than the last. I only book 1 hour sessions sometimes 90...
  10. D

    Question Asian MPA Who will rim + HJ?

    Curious if there's anyone around who will do this in 2024?
  11. L

    Semi legit viet MPA

    Does anyone where to find young semi legit Viet massage?
  12. funliness

    Tall Asian MPA ?

    Any recommendations for a really tall Asian mpa ? Iris and Elina at Reinella are about 5’8 but are there any taller ones?
  13. T

    White/Asian Mixed MPA Recommendations in Toronto?

    Any suggestions for White/Asian mixed MPAs in Toronto that're open to CFS? And post her page too? Much appreciated!
  14. F

    MPA's gossips/stories about coworkers

    I'm sure everyone must have encountered this at some point in the hobby - MPAs gossiping, throwing shade at fellow girls. Most of the time, you'd want to shut them off to continue with the session. However, there are times when you're intrigued to hear stories about other girls you frequent or...
  15. S

    Wow! Sharing an absolute gorgeous blonde masseuse working independently at a reasonable rate!

    There are a lot of hidden gems in the scene and I recently found an independent masseuse working out of her apartment in Toronto. I have gone several times already, just wow! I was hesitant about sharing her but I guess this is my way of giving back to the community. She is excellent at...
  16. MysterE Man

    Premier MPA Who Provide Anal?

    As the title suggests, does anybody have any recommendations for a Premier MPA who provides anal? I'm willing to pay up to 400 for that kind of session, so cost isn't much of an issue. If you've got recos let me know!
  17. M

    Question Any good FS in Oakville/Mississauga

    I’m kinda new to the game and only have been to Allure a few times, most sessions are good! But I want more now 😭 was just wondering if anyone knows a place in Mississauga Oakville that provides FS. I rly like to do my research on a place before I go so any advice helps!
  18. M

    Hairy Asian MPA recommendation

    Hey all, Looking for busty hairy and natural Asian mpa recommendation in the GTA area. Please share contacts/recommendations and reviews if you have any. Thanks !
  19. D

    Chat MPA ages

    We all wonder it from time to time, MPA's real age. Girls are trained to lie, especially in the spa business. Some open up after awhile if they trust you. They'll tell you their real age, marriage status, kids etc. but what is a good indicator to gauge a lady's real age? Sometimes spas post...
  20. F

    Gifts to MPA

    During my recent trip, I had a conversation with the front desk staff and was intrigued by the stories about guests gifting various extravagant items to their MPAs. Most intriguingly, many MPAs share these gifts with their colleagues in the girls' room rather than taking them home. I've also...