
  1. S

    Who swallows?

    It hurts my feelings when they spit... ;-)
  2. RyeHiDude

    Review 5487 Dundas W - Linda

    Friday festivities with the morning drive out west through the chaos and another meeting I wish never happened finally completed. I found myself in familiar territory and took the Friday gamble of who's hiding behind door 4587... I was greeted by cute as a button Linda graced in white. She...
  3. LookingForSomeLoving

    Which Asian swallows cum?

    Happy Canada Day :) I'm looking for any Asians in the east end who swallows cum (not necessarily in mouth but could be from a handjob). Got any in mind?
  4. P

    MPA that swallows. MMMMMM

    Marina from Kinston Rd, Aroma Spa on Tuesdays. Any recommendations .
  5. P

    Dog swallows entire Swiffer.

    It's enough to make the ladies jealous. :shock: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=37f_1280101079