Bemused curmudgeon
Off to make merry soon, but those who know me know I always have something more to say; whether I should is another matter.
Been a great 2024 for me and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank those ladies who made it so. Also a shout out to the brothers here who are thoughtful, respectful, and kind enough to share with like-minded hobbyists.
In Japan they have a history of honouring the denizens of that seductive mirage that is the realm of the erotic industry. The Floating world is a place of fantasy, a graceful step beyond the mundane. Those of us who are lucky and privileged to be able to visit the GTA ladies of Spa world are blessed with so many choices and partake in such a wonderful array of beauties. Drink deeply of life my friends, I try to everyday; be kind and decent and the rewards are bountiful indeed.
This year I am grateful for experiences and exuberances both great and small. Climbed the manicured pathways through the stunning natural beauty of the Isle of the Gods, Miyajimi, this past spring, walking the route that Emperors and Shoguns ambled along to enjoy the benefits of Shinjin-yoku, what the Japanese term forest bathing. Then doubly blessed when I was able to trek the Nakasendo, the old postal route between Kyoto and Edo, on a return trip to the rising sun this autumn. Winding along the cobbles of path through the Kiso valley, once followed by couriers and merchants, peddlers and kabuki troops, courtesans and samurai.
I met three lovely ladies in particular this year, and I am grateful for their exuberance and sweetness, and in one case genuine friendship. A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Friends, this hobby can be navigated without cynicism; skepticism is fine, but despite my own aversion to being credulous, I have been rewarded with some wonderful moments and memories. In awe of the pure bliss they have provided I am truly grateful to the ladies of the industry in general, and those special few in particular.
I bought my first John Smedley polo shirt, following the advice of one sweet lady who became a true friend. She suggested I up my fashion sense instead of taking pride in being incognito as a man of some small successes in this world. Grateful for her care and small indulgences.
I finished the first draft of my novel a few weeks back, been published in obscure academic journals and read by only a few specialists of my sadly arcane academic discipline, but my magnum opus is still in the works. Grateful for the chance when I was blocked, or at a loss for words (it does happen), that I was able to come here to try and put clear thoughts into clear prose; albeit with a few more adjectives than I generally marshal. And to my great benefit and surprise, I found evidence of an actual community of people worth engaging, both generous and genuine, so I return often to keep in practice the process of converting thought into words that make sense and serve a specific purpose. I am blessed and like to say good things about good people, and several ladies in this industry deserve accolades and praise. Again, surprised and honoured by those members of the planet who share and appreciate similar criterion in the ladies they enjoy. Thanks my virtual brothers, you know who you are and I hope I have been able to reciprocate in some small way.
I have little tolerance for the intolerant. I know this place is just as full of misogynists, scoundrels, predators, and buffoons (maybe more than the general population); but despite that fact Massage Planet isn't an entirely vulgar and exploitative venue. Like everything else, we get what we give, so kudos to those who give with good intentions and a shared appreciation of the good life. This place does allow the emergence of a community of value, of besotted Bon Vivants, epicureans and gentleman who take pleasure in life in general, and spa world in particular. Hell, I even enjoy that community over at the Bellagio thread, where one fellow who contains multitudes holds court over a chorus more Shakespearian than tragic. Tell the truth, I think one of his marionettes has become a good confidante recently, just wish the rest of his Sybils could be as thougthful and honest. We will see.
I apologize for the persona I display here at times, it is a humorous exaggeration of my actual vanity and wit and verbosity. But offer my favourite Churchill quote in my defence; when told a rival was a modest man Winston replied "he has a lot to be humble about".
Wishing my tribe here a Healthy, prosperous and joyful coming year, in gratitude for their tolerance and kindness. Happy New Years Gentlemen!

Been a great 2024 for me and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank those ladies who made it so. Also a shout out to the brothers here who are thoughtful, respectful, and kind enough to share with like-minded hobbyists.
In Japan they have a history of honouring the denizens of that seductive mirage that is the realm of the erotic industry. The Floating world is a place of fantasy, a graceful step beyond the mundane. Those of us who are lucky and privileged to be able to visit the GTA ladies of Spa world are blessed with so many choices and partake in such a wonderful array of beauties. Drink deeply of life my friends, I try to everyday; be kind and decent and the rewards are bountiful indeed.
This year I am grateful for experiences and exuberances both great and small. Climbed the manicured pathways through the stunning natural beauty of the Isle of the Gods, Miyajimi, this past spring, walking the route that Emperors and Shoguns ambled along to enjoy the benefits of Shinjin-yoku, what the Japanese term forest bathing. Then doubly blessed when I was able to trek the Nakasendo, the old postal route between Kyoto and Edo, on a return trip to the rising sun this autumn. Winding along the cobbles of path through the Kiso valley, once followed by couriers and merchants, peddlers and kabuki troops, courtesans and samurai.
I met three lovely ladies in particular this year, and I am grateful for their exuberance and sweetness, and in one case genuine friendship. A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Friends, this hobby can be navigated without cynicism; skepticism is fine, but despite my own aversion to being credulous, I have been rewarded with some wonderful moments and memories. In awe of the pure bliss they have provided I am truly grateful to the ladies of the industry in general, and those special few in particular.
I bought my first John Smedley polo shirt, following the advice of one sweet lady who became a true friend. She suggested I up my fashion sense instead of taking pride in being incognito as a man of some small successes in this world. Grateful for her care and small indulgences.
I finished the first draft of my novel a few weeks back, been published in obscure academic journals and read by only a few specialists of my sadly arcane academic discipline, but my magnum opus is still in the works. Grateful for the chance when I was blocked, or at a loss for words (it does happen), that I was able to come here to try and put clear thoughts into clear prose; albeit with a few more adjectives than I generally marshal. And to my great benefit and surprise, I found evidence of an actual community of people worth engaging, both generous and genuine, so I return often to keep in practice the process of converting thought into words that make sense and serve a specific purpose. I am blessed and like to say good things about good people, and several ladies in this industry deserve accolades and praise. Again, surprised and honoured by those members of the planet who share and appreciate similar criterion in the ladies they enjoy. Thanks my virtual brothers, you know who you are and I hope I have been able to reciprocate in some small way.
I have little tolerance for the intolerant. I know this place is just as full of misogynists, scoundrels, predators, and buffoons (maybe more than the general population); but despite that fact Massage Planet isn't an entirely vulgar and exploitative venue. Like everything else, we get what we give, so kudos to those who give with good intentions and a shared appreciation of the good life. This place does allow the emergence of a community of value, of besotted Bon Vivants, epicureans and gentleman who take pleasure in life in general, and spa world in particular. Hell, I even enjoy that community over at the Bellagio thread, where one fellow who contains multitudes holds court over a chorus more Shakespearian than tragic. Tell the truth, I think one of his marionettes has become a good confidante recently, just wish the rest of his Sybils could be as thougthful and honest. We will see.
I apologize for the persona I display here at times, it is a humorous exaggeration of my actual vanity and wit and verbosity. But offer my favourite Churchill quote in my defence; when told a rival was a modest man Winston replied "he has a lot to be humble about".
Wishing my tribe here a Healthy, prosperous and joyful coming year, in gratitude for their tolerance and kindness. Happy New Years Gentlemen!

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