I find a lot of guys who complain about CL throw common sense out the window when they are using it. I don't think it takes a genius to tell the fundamental difference between a professional looking ad and a fly by night. Like good spelling, no over use of caps and stupid symbols, writing out the phone # rather than stupid spelling it out lol, a reference to a website if the pics look professional is good, using less professional shots if there is no website (pro pics and no site? No way), not asking for a CC to contact her lol, rates well below standard in your area means stay away.
So you look for consistent ad posting, well written and professional style, and a good phone manner when contacted. If you aren't doing at least that, then I have no sympathy if you have a bad experience.
Remember that before CL these less than ideal ladies were still around, you just found them thru other means. CL is also used by the professional sps who are serious and reputable, and really really resent those people on review sites who lump everyone together with one huge insult. Even the idea that everyone on it is cheaper than average is insulting. I have seen a LOT of high end sps* use it, because the bottom line is the bottom line., Some sps are very part time and paying several hundreds of dollars on websites, pics and advertising makes no "cents" at all lol.
(*by high end I mean 300-500 per hour safe GFE types lol)
Also lumping all the advertisers together as low rent implies that all the clients from there are losers, which they most certainly are not. They often find the site on their own, in a way that they never ever would have found or even thought about contacting escorts before. Y'all have to start somewhere lol.
>end rant