My best guess would be that it is nothing. But, the fact that she tried to change the subject isn't so good either. She should not be afraid to be open and honest about her online relationships. We tend to look at the past with rose colored glasses and when the difficulties of life and marriage pressure a person, it can be easy to think that a past relationship was easy because there was little responsibility attached to it. I think you should tell her to invite him over for dinner or the three of you can chat together so you can get to know him. Why would she mind doing that if it was in total innocence with him respecting you and her honoring your marriage? The thing is that she has to be mature enough to realize not to talk to anybody in a negative way about you or to discuss your problems with another man. If you do have marital problems, marital counseling is a good option. If this becomes bigger than you thought it would be - definitely go in for counseling. She should know better - even behind your back, this is inappropriate and disrespectful to you. She should be putting you first and spending her time figuring out how to encourage and motivate you, not working on a past relationship that didn't work out the first time. What is she thinking??? If you have been married less than 2 years - this is a typical adjustment that has to be made in saying no to other men and you give you preference as her husband. Some men have the same kinds of challenges early on. It is something best addressed by a marital counselor but you have to escalate the importance of the situation and she has to be open to accept that there are problems that need to be addressed in your relationship. I mean, there must be some problems in your relationship that tempted her to re-connect with this guy. My husband and I went through this thing with other women and I would just confront the issue by saying - oh - great - let's all get together! When we did, of course, it was a collision of varied interests. My husband being completely naive, her totally flirting and me getting really ticked off. But, it did escalate the situation to the point where he realized we had some serious issues to work out. But an un-biased third party was necessary. Things are great now - but it takes work and she can't just shut you out like that refusing to talk about it even if it was really nothing to her. Nothing to her - might be everything to you and in that case she needs to honor you.