Hello folks
Just wanted to pick a few brains. I am coming towards the end of my Aromatherapy training but have not come across any e/oils suitable for treating sebaceous cysts. If anyone has my neighbour would be very happy as she has one on her foot and would like to avoid anything invasive if at all possible. Please let me know if you can help - I would be happy to keep you posted re. any improvement!
Thanks for taking the time to read, I know you are all v. busy peops.[&:]
Just wanted to pick a few brains. I am coming towards the end of my Aromatherapy training but have not come across any e/oils suitable for treating sebaceous cysts. If anyone has my neighbour would be very happy as she has one on her foot and would like to avoid anything invasive if at all possible. Please let me know if you can help - I would be happy to keep you posted re. any improvement!
Thanks for taking the time to read, I know you are all v. busy peops.[&:]