It's easy to see why the Right has lost every major cultural battle it has fought, when you examine the key psychological traits of the cuckservative:
1. Obsession with being viewed as nice, polite, and fair by the enemy. No problem being rude and nasty to their own side.
2. Unwillingness to take the unpopular but correct position.
3. Unwillingness to properly identify the enemies of the West, instead using vague buzzwords like "liberals" and "socialists".
4. Eagerness to punch right and attack their own side. "We need to get rid of all these racists and neo nazis! That's not who we are."
5. Eagerness to play into the frame set by the Left. "Democrats are the real racists! Trump lowered black unemployment!"
6. Succumbing to the Leftist principle that everything new and novel is good, while traditional thinking is "stale and old-fashioned".
7. Unwillingness to enforce traditional morality on themselves or their family members. "My daughter is dating a black guy and he's a good Christian...nothing wrong with that! My son's a homosexual but we love him just the same!"
8. Living in fear of Leftist shaming tactics like being called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic.
9. Submission to the female worldview which is always lax, unprincipled, and subversive against traditional standards.
10. Lack of courage to go on the offensive attack instead of merely reacting to the Left and playing defense all the time.
11. Submission to the Israel Lobby and the Jewish worldview, and failure to recognize that they are diametrically opposed to the survival of White European Christendom. Willing dupes for judeo-marxist propaganda.
12. Addiction to materialism and lazy comfort instead of tackling tough challenges and embracing struggle and austerity.
13. Lack of integrity in enforcing their belief system. "Those Chinese communists are at it again! Hey let's go to Walmart for our weekly shopping spree." "I'm against immigration but hey look how high my home value has skyrocketed!"
14. The belief that voting every four years should be enough to take back control of the nation, instead of working every day for it like the Left does.
15. The willingness to cede all critical institutions to the Left instead of fighting to preserve them - the government, media, academia, the justice system, and the church.