No many, many, Thai people go for massages all the time. Most Thais prefer a massage stronger than what falang (westerner's) enjoy and many massage therapist who massage Thais suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Once they get this they can no longer make a strong massage and usually lose customers until they can no longer support themselves.
Of course the pay for a Thai massage is about 80 baht for a two hour massage. (At least outside of Bangkok and Pattaya). Imagine a woman trying to feed children earning $2.50 for two hours work and some days you might only make 1 or 2 massages. And when you give her a tip out in the open she has to share with the boss or the receptionist.
My wife is a hairdresser but we have friends/neighbors that are/were in the massage business and with the loss of the tourist trade they are really having a hard time making ends meet.