The raids obviously generated a lot of discussion today but I think Kayla and Taz posted two good messages. And for what it's worth, I agree with them both. Taz was right to point out that the police can't pick and choose who they target in the raids because they have a public image to protect, and can't be seen to only go after a select few. (Especially wouldn't look good coming on the heels of their criticism for racial profiling, but that's totally out of context.) I thought the ride stop was a good analogy but I would add the following: ride stops are conducted randomly, without knowing who the car occupants are. With the raids, I heard this was the result of a three month investigation. Given this length of time, I would think the police ought to have had a good idea on which MPs they could target. Wasn't it just last year that the police busted the "kingpin" of the escort agencies. Granted, one guy basically controlled 50% of the businesses (or something like that) so he was easy to go after. But my point is that the police likely knew beforehand which MPs fell into the criteria on which they based their raids. On this point then, I think Kayla's right to criticize the police, rightly criticizing not the fact that these raids took place, just on how they were conducted. The unfortunate result is that they do label all MPs the same way; which was undoutedly an ulterior motive of the police. I just hope this campaign doesn't affect the business of the reputable MPs. I would be lying if I said my initial reaction was to give myself a break from hobbying, but I think cooler heads will eventually prevail (the pun was intended). Anyhow Kayla, I hope you and other reputable MP owners, aren't too affected by the raids.