Dropped by on a few days ago, and decided to see Heidi. She's an older, very fit women with curves. After I took a shower, she gave me a kiss, which set the session just right. I'm already getting good vibes from her. After doing the massage, I choose to have a BS. This included lots of activities both from the rear and front, and lots of attention to my needs as well Her boobs are nice, and she has a good figure. I'm probably going to repeat on this one, but after I've seen a few of my regulars. All in all, a 30 minute session went great and I highly recommend her. There are a few girls I wanted to try, but havn't had the chance.
Face: 7/10
Body: 8/10...(muscular legs)
Boobs: 7.5/10
Finish: 9.5/10
Repeat: Yes
Face: 7/10
Body: 8/10...(muscular legs)
Boobs: 7.5/10
Finish: 9.5/10
Repeat: Yes