Well said, Ego, I doubt that I could say it any better. Hah, I know I couldn't. And you are right, NMT is intense. (in other words, it hurts like hell!)
Tex, I do think it is a great modality, of great benefit to clients, esp those with FMS or an inability to handle deep pressure. Sure, Barnes does use some pressure, but there are lots of techniques that don't...like the arm pull.
I start the arm pull by just pulling the arm/hand down toward the feet, slowly, slow is the key to MFR, swing it up/out/around, pull the arm straight out from the shoulder, (at this point, work can be done with the scapula, pecs, SITS, etd) and finally straight out away from the head. I then take the arm so it is pointing at the ceiling, bend the elbow so I have a good handle, lol, my hands are around the bicep and slide up to the bent elbow, I pull/lift up, pulling the shoulder off the table. Now by "juggling" the arm between my hands, I move around the head of the table (imagine we've been pulling the left arm, so now I'm on the right side of the client, her arm(bicep area) is in my left hand, I'm pulling the arm across the body. I reach over and hook the scapula with my right hand, pull on each. I move the shoulder all around, up to the ear, down as low as it will go, etc. I hook the shoulder with my left hand and gently push down on the ASIS or whatever the hipbone is called so that the torso twists and stretches. If this is not clear, all are welcome to come here for a demonstration. Just call first, ok?
I've never had an issue with draping, the sheet always behaves, stays where it is supposed to. That said, a lot of MFR is done with some apparal, sports bra etc.
Keep in mind that I've just taken the weekend myofascial mobility class as well as doing trades every month with someone that has been thru all of Barnes classes, including working in his clinic. I really really really wanted to take the first 3, the vacation series last May, as they were in Minneapolis, but stuff got in the way! I do plan to take it someday.
Similar? Sure, like Ego said, NMT is similiar, and I think that Rosen Method can be similar. Some is like Bonnie Prudden's TrP. I think it is a great tool to have to incorporate, or to specialize. mk