Do you need a magic wand to help cure your aches and pains then the answer, could be, as simple as a joke book or watching a re-run of candid camera. Laughter can be a very powerful therapy for everyone. The ability to laugh at a circumstances or problems gives us a feeling of advantage and control. Humour and laughter can promote a positive and optimistic attitude. By having humour and laughter in our lives we take a way the likelihood of yielding to feelings of depression and helplessness if we can laugh at what is worrying us. Humour gives us a sense of perspective on our problems; and laughter provides an opportunity for the release of uncomfortable emotions that, if held inside, may create biochemical changes that are harmful to the body. What then are the conclusions about the health benefits of humour? There is some evidence that "laughter" may be healthful. "Laughter" may create physiological changes that help maintain health. Some potential health benefits of "laughter" may include increased IgA, increased killer T-cells, increased tolerance to pain, and lower serum cortisol. So laugh we shall all the way to health!