There are some articles about regading which oils to use to balance and open your chakras, Lotus oils I would imagine would be great for it as it mentions in aromaboys information.
Here are some other oils that can also be used in chakra therapy:
Crown Chakra:
Frankincense - emotional problems, calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic.
Myrrh - heals sores and wounds with external application, astringent, anti-spasmodic.
Viola - soporific, analgesic
Third eye. Brow Chakra
Angelica Seed - general tonic, encourages inspiration and inner focus. (Avoid during pregnancy.)
Lavender - calming, cleansing, antiseptic, anti-infectious restorative.
Hyacinth - hypnotic, sedative, used for aroma-psychology. (Very strong, so only a small amount to be used in blends).
Throat Chakra
Chamomile (Roman) - soothing, calming, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious.
Linden Blossom - calming, anti-spasmodic.
Heart Chakra
Geranium - eases tired nerves, balancing endocrine system, regeneration.
Eucalyptus - expectorant, tonic, anti-infectious.
Rose - calming the nerves, headaches, shock.
Solar Plexus
Basil - good for stress (pre-exams), for nervous system, intestinal antiseptic, digestion. (Avoid during pregnancy and can cause irritation to sensitive skin).
Bergamot - good for stomach, antidepressant, calming.
Sacral Chakra
Neroli - antidepressant, good tonic Cardamom - stimulant, antiseptic, eases abdominal pain by relieving flatulence.
Clary Sage - tonic, anti-infectious, helps menstrual problems.
Ylang Ylang - aids confidence, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, calming.
Base/root chakra
Black pepper - ( Can cause irritation to sensitive skin. Do not use undiluted in baths.) For circulation, aching muscles, low blood pressure, lethargy.
Rosemary - (Not to be used during pregnancy or by those with epilepsy) eases acid in the joints, analgesic, antidepressant.
Cedarwood - antiseptic, good tonic, aids regeneration