I frequent both locations
Personally, by far the best massage is from Yuri at 1260. But she's in high demand because of her legitimate high quality massage skills. She can really dig into your muscles if you're sore. She found an old injury of mine and worked it through really well. Plus she's really pleasant.
1260 also has showers in the all (or perhaps just most?) rooms whereas 1200 does not have showers in any of the rooms I've been in.
1260 is right on Speers and the entrance is lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree. Whereas 1200 is tucked away around the side of the building.
I'm more likely to get walk-in appointments at 1200 compared with 1260. Again, that's why I call or text ahead at 1260. They usually have availability right away but not always.
No comment on extras. I'm there for a cheap massage from a cute woman.
Both 1200 and 1260 have pros and cons. Depends what you're looking for, your schedule, etc. I recommend trying out both places. Even if you can't get an appointment with Yuri at 1260, it's worth the walk-in attempt.