Plantar Warts
I have found that Thuja, a type of cedar tree, in essential oil form has been incredibly reliable for this. However, it does take at least a week - which is sometimes as long as the other options out there. It may be a little harder to find if you don't have a good source for herbals, Wild Oats and Whole Foods don't seem to carry it.Anyway, if/when you locate it you'll want to apply it with a cotton swab - soak the swab and liberally apply to the eye of the wart and a good 1/8" or more around it. You can hold the swab on the eye for a few minutes, or better yet apply a cotton ball with a band-aid to keep longer contact with the Thuja - maybe an hour at most.For the future you may want to know how you got these warts. Were you at a public pool or showers? Does a housemate have it? Make sure to not run around barefoot while you have the warts, they do spread and you don't want to get them again from your kitchen floor or something. Also, maybe consider doing a little detox - some bitter spring greens or an apple cider vinegar flush. Just because it's affecting your feet doesn't mean the rest of your body isn't affected.Sorry for the book!