Thank you for the helpful reply. I got my coursework on CD-ROM. SNHS send a password to access the first part of the course, they will not send the password to access Part Two, until I have sent off the answers to Part One. I had a reply from them which has gone some way to setting my mind at rest. They will not send the password for the second part until they have marked, and confirmed that I have passed Part One. Their welcoming email gave the impresssion that no feed back would be given to self-study students.
If anybody else is thinking of taking up the course, they are better off doing it like you, and getting the lessons sent to them as PDF files, you currently save 20% that way. I opted to pay for the course upfront for the CD. However, if I use the CD menu, I cannot access lessons 4 - 12 until I am sent the passwords, so I haven't really gained anything!
I too have purchased a couple of books for further reading. I particulary enjoyed 'Aromatherapy an A to Z' and 'The Fragrant Pharmacy'. I have just ordered the 'Fragrant Mind'.
Many thanks.