Aaahhh, but all eforum.xxxites will remember the "Perfect Thai" done by the owner of Kamas on DeMaisonneuve, before she retired, or Camille at the long defuncted La Detente/The Garage on St. Joseph. They brought the Art-of-Thai to a high end of perfection. Thai, well done, can be delicious. As long as there is good breast access. True, access to Y and BJ makes the experience much better, but then that is more than just Thai and should be tipped accordingly.
When I go to a high class place, like 2214, or a place with high class babes, like Le Notre Dame, and I get much more than just a MP, I tip $100, min. Usually $120. Occasionally more, like on holidays. This conversation gets very blurred cause many places offer "options" more than just massage and deserve higher tips.
Also, I support people being not too overly generous cause you'll drive the prices up way too high. Thus hobbyists will afford fewer visits-per-year. Less fun-per-year equals unhappy boys. And then, once in a while, when you fall in love with someone and you want them to remember you, you've gotta tip in the $120-$140 range for full, insanely good, service and so they'll remember you. Sorry if my post if full of contradictions, but then, isn't this hobby a crazy one anyway???
Happy Hobbying