I really like

the girls Bellagio has hired as newbies & trained... not just that they are pretty, innocent, young, & enthusiastic

about their jobs... they're a happy bunch!
I've come in early just as the doors officially open... & the girls laff & joke together! Very unlike spas w all veterans gals, taciturnly staring at their phones btwn clients... these gals = actually a team! Prolly best lineup the spa has ever had.
Nobody nose what's gonna happen in the near future

... the team could stay together, some mbrs could go missing, or the whole crew could be gone... that's life, right? If u got some girl u like that's on today, make shur u come c her today...
Due to nearby spa closures, it's been quite busy these days... if u wanna c somebody in particular, consider phoning

ahead & making apptnmnt...