Well, Not having been out to the MP scene as much as I would like, I have to say one of the reasons I dont' miss it as much as I should is for whatever reason, I haven't had an MPA that did the finish as well maybe as they should have. No eye contact, phoney enthusiasm, rough care after the momentious occasion, these just don't work. One lady I had tho out in Pickering ( now retired..but I reviewed her for the massageplanet.net board that existed at the time)Had it down. She in a 45 minute session basically started it 20 mins before the end, after building with a sensious massage..then she stroked, cajoled and toyed with the Little Bear..stopping me before I blew, but keeping me entertained. Various strokes and rubs while letting my hands roam made for a very intimate GFE like experience. Since then, I have been to a few places..an none really matched it. At some point Iam going to get my empties returned and maybe visit the Queenston down here and see if Hamilton is any better. I hear there are some gems...but it is a tough act to follow...