No, Blue Cross paid about $120 for me to get the 3 shots Twinrix A&B combo booster; it is 3 visits and only become effective after the second? (not 100% sure) When I had it, it was not covered by Alberta Health but it was fully covered by Blue Cross. I think the doctor's time to inject is covered but the vaccines itself is not. I had to pick up the vaccine at the pharmacy (no payment because Blue Cross covered it) and then walk across the hall to get my doctor to inject. If you are participating in this hobby, especially with Asian SPs, you should have the shots. Most docs would only prescribe Hap A shots but insist on both, be honest, I told him that I was going to Asia and I intended on having fun on both food (Hap A) and physical activities (Hap A & B)! Also, mine was a booster, had them early in life when stationing in foreign countries and decided that it is time to get booster shots, Hap shots are not life long.