The benefits of hot stone massage are as follows.
Stress Reduction
Increases heart rate
Relaxes connective tissue
Increases metabolism and elimination
Increases blood and lymphatic circulation
Stones created by volcanic action, such as basalt stones, are used as Hot Stones. The application of hot stones is beneficial when increasing the amount of blood supply to an area and is very effective when used for relaxation.
There are various methods of hot stone treatments. Some do have a layout for the stones whereas others simply (and more effectively) actually massage with the stones. There is no right answer to which is better. I personally don't like to recieve hot stone massage. I would rather have a deep tissue massage anyday. However, I do have clients of mine that love recieving hot stone massage. If you need help finding a therapist who does hot stone in your area, drop me a line. Therapeutically yours . . . .