Many massage therapists have had the experience of a client weeping during treatment for reasons that may not be apparent initially. It ordinarily happens when emotions get triggered as certain areas of the body are treated.
The body holds historical information that may not be detectable by traditional assessment methods and often not even available to the clients' own consciousness. That's the mind-body connection in action.
A massage therapist that's trained to understand the mind body connection can help you make sense of where the tears are coming from. The body is a storehouse of information and with the right guidance you can bring consciousness to patterned behaviours (e.g. chronically tight shoulders, torqued hips, tension headaches). You see, each of these physical ailments has an emotional story to tell.
How many times have you been seen by a professional bodyworker (i.e. a massage therapist, chiropractor etc) for a tight neck only to have it return once you're out the door? A therapist that works in a holistic fashion will help you to explore and possibly connect with the root cause.
The body holds historical information that may not be detectable by traditional assessment methods and often not even available to the clients' own consciousness. That's the mind-body connection in action.
A massage therapist that's trained to understand the mind body connection can help you make sense of where the tears are coming from. The body is a storehouse of information and with the right guidance you can bring consciousness to patterned behaviours (e.g. chronically tight shoulders, torqued hips, tension headaches). You see, each of these physical ailments has an emotional story to tell.
How many times have you been seen by a professional bodyworker (i.e. a massage therapist, chiropractor etc) for a tight neck only to have it return once you're out the door? A therapist that works in a holistic fashion will help you to explore and possibly connect with the root cause.