Accept my apologies if anyone felt bad. I am here for fun too.
--> No need to apologise, sir. What you did is right - telling out loud what you think is right.
Please note the following is not an argument but we do need this healthy discussion among us about the pitfall of mongering.
--> Yes, we need discussions. This forum encourages discussions on all related subjects.
I would like to stop this discussion here as this leads to nowhere. But if a newbie reads this just take hard look at fact read it on google and use common sense.
If there is mod here please make a new thread and move this and previous post there as to not spoil the mood here
--> No sir, we should not stop the discussions or move this to a new thread. The members here (esp seniors) are good and encourage discussions. It is fine as long as we don't personally abuse each other.
Road accident and mongering is not even comparable. 0 comparison.
--> I agree sir, this are not exactly similar things to compare. I used this to showcase the similarities. I think the example i took was not very apt.
Mongering is done just for sexual excitement. If someone doesn't do mongering, he is better off in all aspect of life, financially, morally, health wise, emotionally. He isn't missing much in life.
If someone isn't mongering he isn't missing much in life
--> I have to disagree a bit here, sir.
Sexual excitement, or rather release of sexual tension is much needed. In movies and TV, they show highly erotic things which excites the people and if there is no avenue to release some of it at least, that's going to be a disaster. Lot of girls work in my office. They are comfortable staying late and going home even at 10 or 11pm. Not a worry about their safety. I believe that's possible because we have SBs and DBs.
People need a third place, apart form home and work. To relax and get away from the usual tensions. Sports, hobbies, bars etc are the common things. SBs and DBs also act as one of such 'third place'.
When I go to SB or DB, I have one beer in 2 hours, watch some pretty faces (and more

) and when i go home, I am more relaxed and it makes me feel how lucky I am (compared to the lives the girls and the waiters have). When i go drinking with non-mongering friends, I drink 4 or 5 times the amount and by the time i reach home, i am tired and exhausted. No energy to eat, not thinking properly, i just hit the bed without even talking to my wife or kids.
I'm not saying mongering is all good. Like everything else, it can be good or bad, it depends on how you approach it and where you keep (or not keep) the limit.
Yes, I agree it's addictive and bad for a newbie. But it is true for anything - drinking, sports, video games, getting online in facebook and instagram etc.