I would agree Lilian's GIF and Olivia's GIF actually bare a decent resemblance to the actual girls. Olivia is a real sweetheart, speaks four languages at 22, is motivated and intelligent. No idea how she came across a semi legit spa like Bellagio, she is definitely better suited to places like comfort zone etc, but i am not complaining! Hope she stays on a long time! One of the few young attractive women I have encountered in this business that I didn't feel even remotely like asking for service. I truly wish her success here in Canada and will support while while shes gravitating in our spa world.
Oh and Lilian...something about her i find really attractive, maybe its the Librarian look, the stout legs and square but round ass...shes attractive imo. I'm not usually into ladies in the mid 30ties with the extra belly fat from giving birth, sagging boobs etc, but Lilian despite those characteristics, I still find really attractive.
Question: Who was the 55+ lady i saw there a few nights ago? Is she the owner? Or the mother of one of the ladies working there?