Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Some guys, they don”tdo you think the girls talk among themselves about every single guy they see.... like every single one? with most or all of the details and play-by-play?
like one girl describes the guy she was just with or was with the other day and another says yeah i've seen him too and then "compare notes" in a sense whether good or bad lol pretty much what we do here like yeah he's a good tipper, or he's kinda hot, he's funny, he knows what he's doing with his tongue, his cock is big, etc. etc. or yeah his breath smelled bad, or yeah he has a hairy ass lol just some examples
do you think it's possible a few of the girls here have no clue that they've all seen the same guy, or will they almost always talk about the guy they saw with the other girls, and share intel? I know it's pretty rare but If they actually like the guy, maybe they keep some details secret? or don't talk about the encounter at all with the others? Asking for a friend.


The weird guys? Like he wants to call the girls mummy? Yeah, they talk

In my xxxperience tho, u can nvr really b sure who’s gonna share & who’s gonna b quiet… when its quiet tho, u can bet they gossip & joke, just like we all do @ work when its quiet or around the water cooler…
If yer really fun & nice client