chinese mistress

Chinese Voice (Chinese: 華人之聲廣播電臺) is a Cantonese, Mandarin and English language radio network based in Auckland, New Zealand. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Best News Entertainment, an Asian language television, print and radio company, and consists of three station set up between 2003 and 2010. It produces more than 80 hours of local content each week, including live talkback on news stories, migrant issues, political developments and dealing with New Zealand Government agencies. The stations also broadcast imported talk and music programmes from China and Hong Kong.Chinese Radio FM 99.4 Chinese: FM99.4中文電台, Auckland's only Cantonese language radio station, focuses on news and programmes from Hong Kong, but is also geared towards Cantonese-speaking communities from Canton, Singapore and Malaysia as well. AM936, New Zealand's only Mandarin-language radio station, aims to appeal to New Zealanders of Chinese heritage regardless of their age, class, gender, employment status occupation or interests. Chinese Radio FM 104.2, an English language and Chinese language radio station, broadcasts news with a Chinese worldview, information about modern China and documentaries about the modern world.The network broadcasts worldwide online and in Auckland on terrestrial radio frequencies. It previously broadcast nationwide on Sky TV. It claims to reach 150,000 New Zealanders of a Chinese origin. It has accepted a role in broadcasting public messages to Cantonese and Mandarin speaking communities during Civil Defence emergencies. The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management runs Chinese language advertisements on the network, reminding people to be prepared for natural disasters and other emergency situations. This is part of the Get Ready Get Thru programme, which aims to reach the widest possible reach of people living in New Zealand.

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