
  1. C

    Pulled Supraspinalis Muscle

    Greetings, A couple weeks ago i pulled what i believe to be my left supraspinalis muscle playing hockey. I'm quite familiar with pulled muscles, having played hockey and various other competitive sports since i was a little kid -- but this pull feels different. It just won't go away, or even...
  2. G

    The Great Pretender Muscle
  3. T

    Upper back muscle spasm

    Recently, upon waking, I am experiencing a muscle spasm in my left upper back, justbelow rib bone. Stretching, standing upright, breathing deeply or rising left arm increases pain. Bending alleviates temporarily, and pain lessens throught the day. However, it will return every morning. Pain...
  4. A

    Upper Back Muscle Spasms

    Does this sound like muscle "spasms" and, if so, what is the recommended treatment: It begins with the feeling of someone's knuckles being driven into my left upper back (to the right of and slightly higher than the shoulder blade). This is immediately followed by waves (feels like a...
  5. A

    Which bone has the greatest number of muscle attachements?

    Thought perhaps a student could help me out and confirm or correct the accuracy of my info :) I wanted to double check that the occiput has the greatest number of muscle attachments compared to any other bone. According to my sources, I have the following muscles attaching to the occiput...
  6. highballer906

    When is it safe to use a muscle again?

    I just injured myself at work last night while pulling a patient up in bed at a nursing home. I don't think its anything terribly severe even though it does not feel so good. I have a burning sensation around it. It is in the upper back, more towards the upper shoulder blade. I reviewed it and...
  7. A

    Muscle Tension Dysphonia

    Anyone have any experience with this? I don't have a lot of background yet, as I have not seen this client- first visit is tomorrow. But any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance....
  8. BPDguy

    Muscle contractions - Pelvic area

    At night probably because things are quieter and I notice it more I have muscle contractions in my right adductors. They don't hurt or anything but I feel constant that those muscles are not relaxed. So I tried to think of what could be causing this problem and came to the conclusion that...
  9. M

    loose joints and tight muscle bellies?

    I just saw a client around 17 yr old that has studied ballet for many years until 2 years ago. She has played tennis and now runs. Her complaint is tension/pain accross the low back area (when she shows the area, she runs her hands accross along the saccrum, superior edge of hip bone). I...
  10. N

    Extreme muscle guarding in the back

    I have a client who is displaying some extreme muscle guarding on the entire right side of his back into the glutes and upper hamstring. If I don't massage at a snails pace over these areas the entire side contracts somewhat violently. What do you think is going on here. He is currently...
  11. H


    I have clients who are patients in a local hospital on a sub-acute unit. They are on life support. I do range of motion exercies and soft tissue work mostly. When these patients have been in bed for a long time, the muscles shorten and they can develop some pretty severe contractures. I have...
  12. R

    Pulled adductor muscle

    My son's first day of baseball practice, he pulled his adductor muscles while running. It's been a week and I've been working it gently as it's very painful esp. at upper attachments, but also gracilis, hamstrings and quads. Also been doing PIR stretches. I've not let him practice all week, and...
  13. A

    Muscle Testing and
  14. Lois20

    knotted muscle with rock

    "In order to break up knotted muscle tissue take a stone and turn it on end, place the end on the muscle knot (make sure you are not on bone) Tap the stone with another heavier stone. The sound generated will break up the knot (like sonic waves and gall stones) It works like magic." I was...
  15. Pompal 09.

    muscle charts

    I really don't know if I'm even posting this in the correct spot. I hope that someone can help me out. I am looking for charts/posters of the muscular system to hang on my wall in my office/massage room. What I'd like is something that has the superficial muscles on left half and deep...
  16. E

    Muscle pain from reaction to meds

    My Mom was prescribed Levaquin for a sinus infection 3 weeks ago. She began to have pain in her L knee and gastroc, R tibialis ant, and L shoulder joint. She stopped taking the medicine after 13 days...just before her last day. The doctors even checked her for a blood clot because of the pain...
  17. H

    Muscle charts for massage...where to buy?

    All Anyone know the best place to purchase muscle/skeleton charts? I've seen a few but they were quite expensive. Thanks!
  18. K

    Wait time before working on muscle injury/soreness

    New to board and somewhat intimidated by all the knowledge some of you out there have. I was licensed about four years ago but have only really practiced mainly on friends (mostly Swedish/Relaxation) and rather infrequently as I had a full time office job up until recently. Now that I need to...
  19. V

    torn muscle - ripped muscle - muscle tear ??

    Hey guys. I did a search, but oddly couldn't find anything. In fact, I scoured all my books at home and still oddly could not find anything on a torn muscle. I have a client who is presenting pain in his deltoid, superior (proximal) to the deltoid attachment on the humerus, roughly on the...
  20. M

    muscle spasms - ouch!

    I woke this morning, turned over in bed and yoW! I twisted or did something to my back and now my mid-back between the right scapula and spine all the way up the neck. It is in spasm! I took motrin and iced. Argh! Anything else I should do? I can't get comfortable, can't be in the same...