
  1. H

    Spa Royale - Pamela

    Was driving by 340 Brown's Line on the way to poker night with the guys. Was a little early so I dropped in. Luckily I got there before hours because of the by-laws. Saw Pamela was available and took a chance. Not bad facially, body was o.k, good amount of meat on her bones and...
  2. R

    pamela @ C2M

    I'm new to the scene and I've twice seen Jessie at Whisper's (trying to stumble on Angela) before I tried Pamela at Club Two Mountains. Since my first visit I've also seen Pamela again. The difference is night and day! Pamela is very friendly and her smile is addictive and is much more open...
  3. B

    A message from Pamela of Blue Topaz

    Pamela has asked me to post this message for her. There are a number of rumours circulating about the events that occurred at Blue Topaz. I would like to address and hopefully quash them. One of the other women working at Blue Topaz was charged and as a result I, as the owner, was charged...
  4. Have Compassion

    CL: Pamela ISO Anyone tried?
  5. Pompal 09.

    Pamela @ Club Two Mountains

    Pamela @ Club Two Mountains After New Loco and Midway Invader I thought I'd try my favorite late night C2M which is open till 3am. They seemed to have a few gals available - one jumps up and greets you who you get next in the rotation. Too bad they don't have schedules posted with...
  6. M

    ISO: CL Pamela Anybody tried? To many Pamela(s) in search to figure out who she is. Uses the same tel# as an SP named Charlie.
  7. P

    Pamela from Alpha Care

    I used to see Pamela regularily, but was away from the Province for quite some time. When I returned she had moved on. Does anyone know where or if she is still in the business? Never cared for AC, but had a good connection with Pamela. Thanks
  8. D

    Review - Pamela at 3025A Hurontario

    First time to this place named Massage Centre after seeing Dave's review. Walked into the door but no one was there. I waited for a couple of minutes and another customer walked in. The owner (a man) finally came out and we discussed about rates. $80 for 30 minutes NR was what I took from...
  9. G

    where is Pamela?

    did Pamela leave 409spa? have not seen her on schedule thx 4 the help
  10. Pompal 09.

    REVIEW: Pamela @ Yonge & Bloor

    Well this was a first time experience so my first review. I didn't want to go to this place but the others on my list were closed so I just said to hell with it. I've been wanting to get a massage for a long time now so I was willing to take anything. I saw Pamela at 29 Bloor St. E...
  11. G

    ? Pamela @ Silhoutte

    Can anyone give me a review of Pamela @ Silhoutte Health Spa? Vinny
  12. J

    ? Pamela @ Utopia

    What ever happened to Pamela at Uptopia? She keeps dissappearing on me. She is definitly worth seeing and I'd like to keep in touch with her. Can anyone can tell me were she's working know. Thanks.
  13. E

    pamela -IT ?

    well, about to make my monthly trip form the coast. Want to drop in to IT since im in a day before my meeting. Was going to go with someone i've seen before, but noticed yet another new name on the list. Anyone had the chance to spend any time with Pamela ?.....would appreciate some guidance. thanks
  14. Annamazing.!

    Pamela - Blue Pearl Spa

    I was itching to see a busty asian MPA and previous reports from MBB suggested that the visit would be worth it. Pamela is as described, about 5'2", around 95 lbs and very top-heavy (solid natural Cs bordering on Ds). I would put her age in the mid/late 20s - her body is firm and tight but...
  15. P

    Milk Maid Pamela

    Not sure if this should be in the Massage or Escort section, so I am posting in both. In this week's NOW Female Escorts section on line: MILK MAID Pamela (416)830-9446 In/Out I called the # and a lady answered with a lot of talking and noise in the background. Said that Pamela was...
  16. C

    Pamela @ IT

    Does anyone know what happened to Pamela at Invisible Touch? If you do know let me know because I would like to see her again.
  17. Bailey

    Pamela @ Utopia

    Does anyone know where Pamela from Utopia Spa went to???? I saw here a month ago and when I checked to see here schedule this morning she is off the schedule. So I anyone can help, it will be very much appreciated. Vinny
  18. 2

    Pamela from Plush

    Let me introduce myself, I am new to however I have been enjoying MP for the past year or so. I have always known about but never felt reason to post. Today that is going to change. I feel the need to warn all of my fellow men about one MPA. I checked out...
  19. K

    review : Pamela at Alphacare

    Hi all, I had a session with Pamela tonight at Alpha Care. I decided on her because of several good reviews of her. I was not impressed. Her massage skills are actually not bad. The problem I had with her was her upselling. I normally pay $70 for a b/s here, and was willing to do...
  20. Pompal 09.

    Pamela Anderson look alike!

    *moderators note* It's pretty obvious when someone is shilling, gets booted and comes back claiming this poster was right. See the last page before posting anything please PT 1... MP: Alpha Care MPA: Kathy Contact: Or