I feel the same way. If I write a review on a girl I try not to be too explicit while still getting to the point. I try to always caveat my reviews with ‘I’m not a mileage seeker’ and know where to go if that is what I want. So, generally a BS/PS/DATY is the max mileage I’m seeking and often I can be satisfied with less mileage if the massage is excellent. But even then I still get the DM’s asking if BJ and FS is on the table and I’m my reaction is like “WTF, did you not even read what I wrote”. Now, I don’t respond that way and am more polite, I just say “no, she has her limits”. What pisses me off is when they respond right back asking “if she’d be open to it if the money was good”. Like “WTF”, stop harassing the girls.