personally I am not so much into FKK and what I am about to write is from my general observations, especially in and around Hamburg.
At the moment there can be observed a tremendous influx of girls from
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Bulgaria
- Romania.
From other Eastern European countires girls are also coming, but from those four countries mentioned above, the Hamburg market is being flooded all over.
Together with the girls the pimps are aslo coming and they are known for their ruthlessness.
So, for me it is not really astonishing, that in this market, where a lot of money is being made by the pimps and their backers, the competitive situation lets the pimps force their girls to do almost anything, and at least barebacking is included.
Human trafficking has become the rule of the day and as there is a huge reservoir of girls to be had in the East, the pimps don