Hi Spinelf,
Thank you very very much for such an important info. I think I can further educate a lot of people about this procedure now.
It's strange the way my body is behaving, I have stopped thinking about the surgery for the time being as gradually the continuous pain has decreased now and I only have pain in morning or if I stand for a long period.
I also sometime have a cramp-like pain and some pain in my groin but it's really better than the previous pain I used to have. I am trying not to take any pain killers for entire day and also at night before sleeping. However, I am still not able to walk or stand for more than 10 mins.
I am hoping to give my body some more time before I take a plunge for surgery.
Thanks again Spinelf
Thank you very very much for such an important info. I think I can further educate a lot of people about this procedure now.
It's strange the way my body is behaving, I have stopped thinking about the surgery for the time being as gradually the continuous pain has decreased now and I only have pain in morning or if I stand for a long period.
I also sometime have a cramp-like pain and some pain in my groin but it's really better than the previous pain I used to have. I am trying not to take any pain killers for entire day and also at night before sleeping. However, I am still not able to walk or stand for more than 10 mins.
I am hoping to give my body some more time before I take a plunge for surgery.
Thanks again Spinelf