I'm like you, and have lately been looking where a great massage is paramount over fun services.
I'd go with Olivia, as I've had a thorough RMT-like experience with her. She's dang strong and didn't start the tease early for me; perhaps due to me mentioning how good her massage was and enjoying it. When looking for a good massage I actually treat it like I'm seeing an RMT. Before the massage I let MPAs know where less strength is needed because of an athletic injury that's sensitive, what areas need more work on, etc...
If anything, just mention you'd prefer to have a good massage, and only start the tease with 10 or 5 minutes left.
The only thing is she may be thinking you want to forego a BS and only want a HE (which is less tip). However, if you mention beforehand what you'll tip she's aware of your expectations.
@Ellagance wellness centre can ask her if that would work?
It would be a much better answer than, "all 4 girls" --- Replies like that reminds us clients when we would call asking for young and pretty, but the answer usually is, "yes,
arr gir pretty, you come now?"