I'm new at old
No the photos are fake and isn't a great representation. She's thicker in a good way and cuter (personal preference). If it's the same girl, she's in her early 20's for sure if that's your thing. I suspect she might be 'Hana' @ Soul Relax as well, but can't confirm.
OK thanks, now we are getting somewhere......
One man's "thicker" is another man's fat, any idea on height & weight? Chest A, B, C, D?
And, what about age? Using your best Asian decoder calendar, what would you suppose her age range is?
After I'm done questioning you, we should have enough to piece together a review,
but that's not my goal. I've seen Hannah on schedules for a long time but no one comments
and I mean the photo's were highly suspect and I pretty much never make an appointment
unless someone has verified them already. Thanks again.