At the time, I had thought that the gold spoon was representative of his wealth and
the juice eating was representative of a mild homosexuality interest. Then I thought
that maybe he was looking for some pure protein, kinda like urine therapy that
some people engage in for medical reasons. But I really can't figure that one
out for sure. Or was it that "baby fetish", where people like diapers and baby bottles
and being changed and cleaned into a new diaper.
I really want to remember or look into what Freud had thought about Fetishes. I like
some of his theories and others I can't digest. I really like his belief of the
phallic symbol that they say women gravitate towards. Like the Ford car "Probe"
was mainly purchased by women as it was very rounded and somewhat phallus shaped.
And the male attraction of objects that resemble something concave. I can't remember
the exact examples, but I have a great interest in Psych. and sex Psych. How do
these interests in certain sexual preferences become manifested in someone.