"So in summary; like opinions , how much someone pays for P$P is a purely individual thing and if as an individual you believe unquestioningly what the mass propaganda tells you is the "right" amount then sadly you are just another slave in the arena of public opinion and deserve to live your life accordingly."
I completely concur with what I just quoted above - the only "problem" comes when you post something on the internet, and then people's egos are involved in defending or attacking various positions. As to the reality, if the two parties involved are happy, that's all that matters, IMHO.
I suspect that if people continue to discuss things here in a civil manner, maybe this discussion won't be closed. Who knows. Closing discussions seems to be more related to the attitude of the posters, than to the topic itself.
LOS has a lot of wonderful things to offer over and beyond the "P4P" scene. It's a nice place, with great food, reasonable prices, and a fascinating world quite different from where I've lived most of my life. I've been doing the math, and it's not totally out of the question to consider moving here for a much longer time, and see if I still feel the same way before making even bigger changes in my life.