Sore from the gym so dropped in to see Mia today. Caught her early, she told me she had just got back from the gym herself. I jokingly asked if she would still have the strength to give me the usual deep tissue massage I received here and at her earlier gig. Mistake my friends, mistake. She went at it hammer and tong, actually mostly thumbs, fingers and heels of her palm, with occasional forearm slides. I squirmed and grunted and flailed my legs like a baby, even tapping out on the table. She laughed and eased back a tad, but I told her go for it, and she sure as hell did! Agony then, ecstasy afterwards and still...
In the simplest terms the lady is a master at her craft, puts in an incredible effort, and has the diagnostic skills and massage techniques to get the job done. No one does that sort of job without being sincerely determined to do their very best, and knowing that her skills are excellent and effective. Just a magnificent massage.
Her service as always is at the lower level of semi massage, nothing below the border, but she likewise is skilled and determined. I have noticed previously how if you peek at her during the massage she often has her eyes closed, figuratively seeing with her fingers where the knots are and then applying the exact right technique to bring relief. Similar with her two hand finish, her eyes might be closed and she might seem to be looking to the ceiling but rest assured she is assessing your state of arousal, and slowly and relentlessly taking you to a strong release of your tension.
There have been comments about appropriate tips for such a low mileage session, but I would argue an honest acknowledgement of the value of what she provides should be at least equivalent to her room fee for an hour or beyond. She is as good, and I believe better than most RMTs, with the bonus of being just gorgeous, super chill, and delivering a skilled release at the end. So if you don't feel the same or prefer higher mileage, it may be best to see another lady here. I believe the lady takes pride in her skills and effort and appreciates being tipped as much for her massage as the service.
And a final note, it is nice to have a shower spacious enough to be able to step out of the stream while you lather, instead of having to squirm around trying to soap up and rinse off. Aria Wellness really just delivers, and the premises deserve to be acknowledged for being so well thought out and luxurious.