I actually don't know what you'd call them. Their website makes it seem like they really want to be estheticians, with a focus on females (facials, butt cupping, cellulute reduction). I'm not sure they would have ever been mentioned on here, except for them coming on here and announcing themselves. That, and Ella posting on leolist for the longest time using their business address and name and phone number, making it seem like it's a rub and tug at minimum. And that blurred their lines, and at least up until now, you couldn't get a straight answer from them about other girls- I had texted a few times about Sonal and whether she offered extras, and got the same canned responses that they can't talk about that by text or over the phone. Which seems to me to be their way of trying to get people to go in who otherwise wouldn't, because their Frankensteineque business model isn't working.