I was waiting for a chance to address this actually - and Krayjee specifically.
Do I take everything a promoter says as gospel? No. However, they do provide some information that you can use to make your decision on. Some promoters absolutely do a better job than others.
If more promoters actually answered questions when I asked them, I’d go to their places more often - I’d rather not see there are two girls working here and when I ask “which” two I don’t get a response. Yes, I could call, but it does tell me something about how an operation is run if they can even post basic information if they themselves are not sure. I don’t want to go to a movie theatre when I see online there are two movies….but don’t know which two….
As for Krayjee, he’s answered questions when I’ve asked, posts schedules and updates them when they change, and can admit when he’s wrong. I’ve been with… 6…? MPAs based off his suggestions and I can say I haven’t come across any bad experiences like I had at two spas he doesn’t promote - just a few disappointments due to personal taste and expectations not being met. Won’t say directly who again but it’s pretty clear if I haven’t visited them twice (or tried to) and posted anything - as for personal taste, I’m not a fan of bad English fake dirty talk.
If you like a particular girl, it’s nice to see if she’s available on one post and you can also see who is available at other locations as well. He’ll answer if she’s moved on or if a particular girl is one from another spa under a different name. Is it self serving? Definitely and you should take everything here with a grain of salt. For me though, it’s part of the research and it’s always caveat emptor. I’ll also add that it’s possible, even through reviews, there’s something that might click with one person but not another - I HATE bad dirty talk in poor English. It makes everything sound so fake but some guys really dig it. It’s the main reason why I put disappointing on one of Krayjee’s suggestions; however, if some guy were to ask me for a girl who likes dirty talk and has a nice body and they don’t care if the dirty talk is bad? Well…I’d have a suggestion for them.