I'm curious to know why people hate Trump so much. He is arrogant, he is a blowhard, he is egotistical, he lies. Okay that about describes just about any politician.
Some of the things I remember from the 2016 election"
- it was said he was a racist and was going to send all blacks to Africa and all latinos to Mexico. Note he hasn't done this, he has had ICE step up and start gathering up people who are in the US illegally to have them deported. On top of not rounding up all minorities, minorities have some of the highest employment in quite a while.
- he was suppose to start world war 3. Instead of starting WW 3, he is the first president in over 30 years that has not sent troops to a new war under his term. He has also brokered (his team) a peace deal with Israel and other mid east countries. He has had peaceful talks with North Korea, the first president to do this in quite a while.
- he was suppose to be the puppet of every dictator or foreign country in the world. He has taken a hard line with China to try and equalize trade. He pulled the wool over the eyes of the Canadian trading team and set up a deal with Mexico and this forced Canada to accept scraps to get in on the deal. Being a Canadian it sucks but you can't blame Trump for standing up for the US, that is who he is suppose to stand up for, wish we had politicians in Canada that would do that for Canadians.
- the Kyoto deal he pulled out of, but check to see how Canada or any other country is meeting its commitments to the deal. At least Trump admitted they were not going to meet the terms so just pulled out instead of pretending that they were actually doing something.
I guess people just don't like his look, his attitude, or his demeanor. I'm not a big fan either but I don't hate the person and some of the things he has done I actually agree with. Wish he would pull the US troops out of some of the war zones where they are currently located as I don't see what good they are actually doing, this would be one of my biggest complaints about him.
Anyway, would just be curious to understand why others really hate him. What policy, trade agreement, law, or whatever has he put into place that you really disagree with or is it all based on your feelings and distaste for the person himself?