A stupid question from a beginner: I have tried different Asian Spas and other Spas offering European and Latina girls and it was mostly semi legit spas, with very limited ones with girls offering full service.
Now, for Agencies, such as Discreet Dolls or Mirage or others, I see on their website they indicate their locations for incalls. Is it safe to go to these locations? Are these just condos in certain buildings? Is it common to have one service provider in the condo, or is it possible to have more than 1 service provider? and could it happen that another client is with another girl in a room nearby, while you have your time with the girl you chose in another room? I am bit worried about safety, and I am not talking about STDs as will opt for covered services, but I am talking about possibilities of being arrested (my understanding is that these kind of services are not allowed by law). Sorry for asking too much and perhaps you will find the questions weird, but I am a beginner. Thank you!