Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
So, lotsa guys luv a few mature women… Kathi & Lori = mature ladies & very busy, so doesn’t really matter if u like them…This SPA is moving in to retirement residency business. I stopped by on Monday and wanted to see the lineup and one after another old, I mean old asian ladies are coming out and asking....OK? me?....I'm like no fucking way....thanks god there was Lena ...so I strayed with her but rest is disaster.

On Monday, also working: Lucy, Sukie, Crystal, Sukie … these gals are grammas 2u?

Bellagio went thru all young gals phase… & guys got p!ssed bcuz no gd @ msg, not sensual …
Only answer = provide variety.

Any guy ends up w Lena & complains gotta give his head a shake.