Bemused curmudgeon
Just finished pre-ordering my meals for our trip to the Far East for Chinese New Year reunion. Not a lobster thermador guy (sorry Lucy) so left with the bone-in prime rib. First world problems I know, but those are the ones I have. And yet I do have another problem that some of you gentlemen may be able to help me with here (and no, it's not concern over whether spawarrior will be my Pilot).
After my visit yesterday, I spent a few minutes talking to the ladies in their break room; all were very convivial and appealing in looks and personality. But one lady stood out with regards to looks and her general vibe, a lady I had yet to meet but she made an immediate impression on me, one that has lingered through last night and till this afternoon. I literally did a double take after our introductions, and was smitten with the gorgeous Erica. Oh my lord, elegant like the wonderful Crystal but really exuding a chill vibe that seemed so natural and unforced. Not like she was disinterested, more like she was comfortable; comfortable in her skin and in the industry. Dark hair, and a really genuine and subtle smile, demure but confident at the same time. She noticed that as one of the other ladies was talking about our shared experiences with Malaysaia, I was fixated on her; not exactly jaw-dropped staring, I did pay the other lady eye contact while we spoke, but clearly she could tell she had sparked an obvious interest in me, as I would glance at her furtively and our eyes just sort of always met. Had to run but I asked her how her English was, and she said not so good, but again that little smile and when I asked her what days she worked that smile cracked a little wider and her eyes had a bit more sparkle. Of course this could have been my imagination fuelled by an instant infatuation, but I was a professional observer of the human condition in an earlier career, and I really thought I could see her, really see her, if you follow me.
Now here's the problem, and it's two-fold: first, I tend to stick with a regular, and have been lucky enough to enjoy the rewards that that can sometimes bring; and second: literally WHAT THE FUCK, do I have identical taste in women as the grammatically challenged XTC? First Lucy, then Crystal, and now Erica? Albeit Crystal's switch to the late-shift has limited my opportunities to visit, but Lucy is really so happy now to see me, and she has expressed that happiness in very pleasant ways. So, I am gone for a month on this trip, I don't do weekends, and I will be 12 time-zones away next Thursday, hopefully over my jet lag (those lay-flat seats really help) but after my return I really have a quandary. Possibly upset the apple cart with my current regular, and those apples are so sweet and juicy, or follow my lustful instincts and plunge into the Erica experience? She really has that elegant, almost glamorous look and limpid eyes that make Crystal so appealing and special, so my interest is intense. But the real problem? How can I maintain my arrogance and ego maniacal self perception if I continuously follow the path that the Bicycle Man has cleared? The sword of Damocles weighs heavily here my friends, but Erica is that distracting I am leaning towards taking the plunge, massive ego be damned, and accept that XTC, that keyboard cripple, and I share the same taste. Some things are stranger than fiction, but there you have it. Thanks for your indulgence, and I look forward to seeing you all on the other side. Happy Hobbying!
After my visit yesterday, I spent a few minutes talking to the ladies in their break room; all were very convivial and appealing in looks and personality. But one lady stood out with regards to looks and her general vibe, a lady I had yet to meet but she made an immediate impression on me, one that has lingered through last night and till this afternoon. I literally did a double take after our introductions, and was smitten with the gorgeous Erica. Oh my lord, elegant like the wonderful Crystal but really exuding a chill vibe that seemed so natural and unforced. Not like she was disinterested, more like she was comfortable; comfortable in her skin and in the industry. Dark hair, and a really genuine and subtle smile, demure but confident at the same time. She noticed that as one of the other ladies was talking about our shared experiences with Malaysaia, I was fixated on her; not exactly jaw-dropped staring, I did pay the other lady eye contact while we spoke, but clearly she could tell she had sparked an obvious interest in me, as I would glance at her furtively and our eyes just sort of always met. Had to run but I asked her how her English was, and she said not so good, but again that little smile and when I asked her what days she worked that smile cracked a little wider and her eyes had a bit more sparkle. Of course this could have been my imagination fuelled by an instant infatuation, but I was a professional observer of the human condition in an earlier career, and I really thought I could see her, really see her, if you follow me.
Now here's the problem, and it's two-fold: first, I tend to stick with a regular, and have been lucky enough to enjoy the rewards that that can sometimes bring; and second: literally WHAT THE FUCK, do I have identical taste in women as the grammatically challenged XTC? First Lucy, then Crystal, and now Erica? Albeit Crystal's switch to the late-shift has limited my opportunities to visit, but Lucy is really so happy now to see me, and she has expressed that happiness in very pleasant ways. So, I am gone for a month on this trip, I don't do weekends, and I will be 12 time-zones away next Thursday, hopefully over my jet lag (those lay-flat seats really help) but after my return I really have a quandary. Possibly upset the apple cart with my current regular, and those apples are so sweet and juicy, or follow my lustful instincts and plunge into the Erica experience? She really has that elegant, almost glamorous look and limpid eyes that make Crystal so appealing and special, so my interest is intense. But the real problem? How can I maintain my arrogance and ego maniacal self perception if I continuously follow the path that the Bicycle Man has cleared? The sword of Damocles weighs heavily here my friends, but Erica is that distracting I am leaning towards taking the plunge, massive ego be damned, and accept that XTC, that keyboard cripple, and I share the same taste. Some things are stranger than fiction, but there you have it. Thanks for your indulgence, and I look forward to seeing you all on the other side. Happy Hobbying!
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