Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
If u believe read spawarrior posts a/I realizing he’s disturbed… it says allot about u !Hey Mr Curly, Larry and MO multiple handle guy.
That's a good diversion, but as I've stated numerous times, I have no fukin idea who Jimmy is other than he's active on the board in some of the other threads that I visit. I have one handle and one handle only.
It's been mentioned on here that you waited outside the spa for girls to finish their shifts and also taking pics of customers cars.
It's very obvious that you get very uneasy when your ex good buddy Spawarrior is around!!! As he says, youre a pudgy, short Indian fella and Pico Lime. Maybe I'll dig in a little more with him to get the scoop. He obvious knows what your appearance is like.
The problem that I have with you AGAIN, is your bullshit tactics intended to generate Bellagio business, and the subsequent greed and stress that it creates, causing the girls to burn out and leave.
I could care less about you're arrangement with Lucy getting free room fees with the guise that you can help mold the girls to become a money maker for the spa.
From what I can tell, you're a broke ass that can't afford to hobby with being subsidized.

Xxxplains yer delusion.
Back 2 original question, Mr Jiminy Gaslight…
“If you saw him physically, you would quickly see that he would not get any mileage with the ladies. What a joke. I'd love to post a picture of him.”
Where u gonna get that picture? Is that why u hide outside the spa @ night in yer lil

Yer one creepy dude