Has happened to me 3 times in my 20+ years of hobbying.
First time was in the old EBC.
Both of us was buck naked and I was enjoying a meal at the "Y".
Without knocking the LE suddenly tried to bust in and interrupt my "dinner" barely identifying themselves as LE.
Inadvertently and LUCKILY I had my BIG FOOT wedged under the door handle due to the room configuration and positioning of the table.
In state of shock and I quickly locked my knees securing the door while giving her enough time to get up, dress, and cover me.
DAMN that was a close call.

Saw her several times after that. Believe meI got my just dessert

Third time was just last year around 0830 pm at a well known spa (won't give name but Spa has since moved).
So, I am still dressed waiting in the room #3 for my attendant to come see me.
Suddenly I hear talking in hallway, then rooms doors being opened, "get dressed", etc, etc.
The LEAD LE gets to my room, immediately demands my info and refused to answer any of my questions except purpose of their visit.
He went on to assume, chastise and accuse me for having had or about to have some sort of sexual services.
I basically stayed calm, held my grounds by refusing to give any ID until he answered questions about my rights and the consequence of me exerting my rights.
Boss man insisted "you don't have a choice.....basically do as I tell you to Instead he threaten to keep me for as long as the investigation takes even up top 2 hours.
In addition he made sarcastic remarks bsemirching me character. Acted like a TOTAL DICK trying to intimidate me.
I held my grounds (was in no rush to go anywhere), then after being watched for about 20 minutes, a subordinate escorted me out to my car.
I was actually driving a rental ....still they could not have immediatelky done a licence check.
I explain to the subordinate (who was polite) that the Lead LE's behaviour was arguably unprofessional using bullying and intimidating tactics.
Further explained his was the main reason why I did not feel obligated to giving my ID knowing that I was not guilty of anything except
being found in a MP (that alledgedly offering sexual services).
Now if I had been BUCK naked, my actions would probably have been more compliant.
I do know there were some tickets handed out that night. I know /overheard at least one customer was caught getting a BJ.
Since I was driving a rental that night I wasn't too worried that they would do a licence search.
I actually drove away but returned after 15 minutes voluntarily give my info just for the sake of peace of mind.
Take away is to always stay calm, stay polite, know your rights, and depending on situation don't give them an opportunity or get away with being DICK on your case.