I once dated a well know lady working in an adult massage parlor. She said the two top gals could pull 6-8 clients a day and walk away with$1000 - $2000 pretty much every day. After room fees they would net about $750 -1500 daily.
The other ladies would easily make $300 - 600 a day, if they were lucky. Still not bad coin. The owner at $50 per hr room fee would pull in Minimum$1000 a day.
Since they were open every day of the mth, you are looking at $30,000 gross take a mth on average.
I asked her if she would ever buy a parlor, and her response was not a chance. Too many head aches, bitching fighting, drugs, booze missed shifts and revolving doors.
She said a lot of places she worked were run by retired women of the trade with males owning but not having anything to do with the places they owned.
She also said there were a couple owners that would shock you what their professions were.
Independant small time owners or groups would soon be run out of town by the competition, especially any gang owners.
Some even paid royalties to the others so they could continue to stay open. Many of their best girls were soon working for the bigger competition
It's a different world in that business for sure