Ghanta shaatir LOL

I was actually inactive on the forum when that Mahabharata episode happened.But when I read Shivamrut posts,I instantly knew it was Unclesam as both make spelling mistakes,type with space in lines,etc.
He's a doctor and having Multiple Personality Disorder,how ironic.
Yeh khudki mudke chatte aur bole duniya mujhko pujti.
If there were no fake likes of Shiva,Ferrous on Unclesam ID
@mongerking26 would be #1 member on MP with most likes.
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Yes bro, It was evident right from the beginning, even before any kind of mess had been done here.
If I really had issues with his Mahabharata post, I’d have quoted it the very next day. But I waited, until he got on my nerves.
The good thing is many members knew Unclesam was Shivamrut.
The bad thing is no member had the courage to come forward and speak the truth openly and help close the case. Some did and are my good friends now. It seems like everyone else were waiting for some magic to happen.
Result? The baheroopiya went on and on until we had to actually kick him out by getting personal.
It’s funny, how these forum members just enjoyed his fake FR’s and stories.
It’s funny how he even survived this long with his fake personality.
In one post he mentions DB girls are like Dassi and are meant to only “serve” us. In other post he says naari are like Sita.
The Doctor runs from one hospital to other hospital to earn money and calls others as “cheap labor”.
What an idiot.
Even after giving such proofs, no one would come forward and raise his voice.
I also had given proof of Uncle Sam collecting forum members data and observing them. He used to know from forum which DB others are planning to visit, then he used to go there, sit in a corner and observe. Next day he would post what others did in DB.
Not sure why some people wanted the forum to survive having such snakes in company.
But anyways, the snake is dead. He came back in “Naagin” avatar and has been ousted again.
Forum should move forward!