NM chutiya, don't want to come to forum back but seems like you are taking advantage of the situation...
1) I requested devil bastard to post the screenshot of the discussion. Let the members be the judge. That fucker claims that I was scared by his threat. Chutiya, don't try to escape by saying civilized. Ask your chutiya friend to post the screenshot.
2) You claim you provided evidence and I left. Same imagination as your FR...Chutiya, respected you a lot thinking you to be genuine...budget monger I am...understood very late that you are fake...the anger is you try to fool newbies and budget mongers...one week mongering and new year deal with Manisha...saala you turned out to be impotent...another asshole without kids...bastard I have age on my side and most important is I can satisfy a girl to the extent she wants to return hahaha...will earn money like anything....
3) Did you ask Sheetal and van driver who drops about Suman...CH prostitute she is...promoted by you...just enquire instead of barking here...
4) Manisha ka iPhone. Bastard, you gave here 9k for a lower model second hand iPhone and boasting in PM. The screen was broken when I had her last, hope you got another outdated model but at least a new one.
5) Impotent asshole you are... Not able to fuck Manisha yet...
6) Another, you and your ISG friend are the biggest pimps...collect contacts and strike a deal with the girl to get better price...hike the price to the newbies and you guys collect commission...girls show their body and make money and you use that money to buy clothes to cover your wife's body, be ashamed bastard...you tried to do the same with bar girls as well...Suman and friends have accepted your deal... Manisha is not willing...you are nothing but a pimp...
Devil madarchod, post our discussion...making an open challenge here...people would understand what I attempted...it was peace.. NM chutiya, instead of barking ask him to post it here. I want it to be public...
Saala, i have many to say here but hope this is enough...Pimp NM take care...
I wanted to focus on my career and be assured that I will never be scared of cheap pimp like you and madarchod devil...
It was funny that you challenged to be photographed in Cabana VIP... hahaha...you in VIP...burst out in laughter when I read it...
Bye Pimp Desai...girl sell their body to make a living...I don't have words to explain people who eat and run their family from such commission...bastard good bye... Keep posting...not reading regularly but will answer your fake claims...delay regretted...
Dear Jacky,
Nobody is saying that you apologized to me cos you were scared…. If anyone interpreted that way, than I can’t comment on it... but its true that you apologized to me for getting car numbers and other details…. Which is evident in the screen shots below……
Yes I have footage of Rasna and other places… just for your info, cos if I do put those pics, than many privacy and cyber laws will be broken (which CP and others have already did)…. And also as said by NM yes we are civilized, so we don’t do things that should not be done….
We decided in the chat we don’t want to go personal and u left for US….. and the moment you landed there you again started abusing …????? Calling me a snake…. May I know y..?? as per your misguided self-righteousness ??? we discussed peace and I told you from my end not anyone’s else end you have peace… m just saying from my end there is peace… In fact I never abused you anywhere on PM or forum… I mentioned you in PM also, what’s the logic for me holding grudge against you…..?? I still don’t have any grudge against you …….. the reason for that is simple, when you were here you couldn’t meet face to face just virtual shits… and you now that u r in US I don’t really care about kids fighting on internet…. Infact I always wished you good for your career and future (as evident from the screen shots) still u call me snake..???? funny……
About Captain, this guy think he is some kind of person who has responsibility to do right for any wrong.??? I mean srsly guy can’t come face to face to anyone.. always digging around the bushes….. I will send someone, I will call u at place and you will be beaten by Yuva Sena…. Or I will shoot you with my spy cam… Sometimes this guy says don’t post anything or else forum and thread will be dead and you will spam details (which u r already doing) and sometimes he say go ahead write so he will come to know where we will be wen he come here, so it wont be hard for him to search us..???? (I mean really !!!!!)…..
He did spam my number in all the threads and locanto and many places ….. It was simple for me to just change the number and flush this idiot out… but I won’t, cos I am waiting for him in May when he comes… I don’t want him to say as you were not on forum and your number also shut down so couldn’t call me…. But once entire May will be gone this kid will return behind his keyboard in virtual world and start barking again, making multiple ID’s… and his jumping jack friends will join him in that virtual world, to satisfy this 5ft 6inch guy’s big Ego……… everyone will know what exactly he is……
Anyways after reading this, CP will start abusing and barking or spamming same details or more… none of that matters to me cos, I know and entire forum now knows he will never come face to face like a man, (for obvious reasons)… but will come with weird and idiotic replies like his own understanding….. that I will come but you won’t see or my ppl will hit you or I am this or that or any nonsense or just spam more….. Bloody shouted in his post that NM apologized to BBMK in PM but not in forum directly and when NM said show the PM where he apologized no reply to that… From all his post it is evident, when you talk to him or argue with him on one point and if doesn’t have answer he will go to some other places…. Reminds me back in old days when I used to travel in our great Mumbai local how ppl argue without any sense…. Similarly funny…. Even jacky you knows he is eccentric (as stated by you in PM and its in the screen shots)…..
And yes Jacky u did apologized to me as seen in screen shots…. (which I never wanted to put on forum even after you abusing me so much.. but now u left me with no other option….)
Finally CP bhai, tu fakt yeh raja ithe… me ektta tuzhi vaat bhagtoy…… for you the moment you announce that you r in India I will give u the places I will monger which I normally do 3 to 4 days a week and I will tell you pakka couple of hours atleast before going those places…. so wont be difficult for you to find me… but pls do come baba…. Don’t send ur chellas……or else Singh sahab will be troubled…..(a hint for u)…..
P.S. All the pandavas are fucking enjoying the mongering, they don’t need forum to guide them or collect any info… I am sure MK and gang must also be enjoying but just away from this forum…. Who have lost all the info givers and left with …. God knows what…..
And also the pics posted by CP of various gals are nice… real number bhi daal dena kabhi inke…. If we ever get bore of DB and OB might think of some of these Indies… which we do on certain occasions………