Day 2 - some “new” bars and one same old.
I apologize in advance for the long post.
1) Queens Palace, seawoods - I wanted to check off at least 2 new bars off my ToDo list on Tuesday night, so decided to start with Queens Palace in Seawoods. Reached the bar at 7:45pm to find it almost empty. The bar has a brightly lit front section and a darker back section, which are both part of one large room.
There were only 2 girls on the floor - one fat and the other tiny. A 3rd girl (cute, tall, slim, hourglass shaped, but with an attitude) joined them a few minutes later. The 3rd girl glared at me when I said “Hi” with a smile. I probably look like a lecherous old villain
I settled into a spot directly opposite the cash counter, ordered a Red Bull and change for 2k in 50’s (which took forever).
A couple of more cute girls streamed in over the next 15 minutes. The new girls had the same haughty attitude as the 3rd girl. My welcome smiles were met with stares.
Once the change arrived, I made girl #3 and girl #4 dance alternately on some great numbers played by the DJ. Paid them Rs250 per song. Their attitude improved considerably once the money started flowing. Girl #4 struck up a conversation with me in fluent English between songs. Turns out she is another Punjabi gal from Delhi (I have befriended a number of these specimen in NM bars this year). She is an OB quality girl IMO - fair, slim and has some hot dance moves.
In the meantime girl #3, not to be outdone, left her mobile and money on my table between songs... I guess it is their way of marking their territory.

Meanwhile I tipped another supercute girl a 50 and asked her name - she gave me a cold stare as if I had asked her to sign over her property to me. I must truly look like a villain.

I decided to leave at about 9pm. Since I was the only guy making the girls dance at this point, the steward (Raju) tried his best to convince me to stay a bit longer). When I informed him I was expecting the girls to be friendlier, sit with customers etc., he claimed the girls were aloof because it wad my 1st time there. I don’t know if that’s true, but I don’t plan on returning anytime soon.
Pros - nice ambiance, decent music system, chakna was OB style/quality during DB hours, stewards/waiters did not pester me for more drinks, a few slim and very sexy girls that match my preference
Cons: almost all the cute girls have an attitude
Damages - Red bull was Rs 600
2) Kiran bar Shiravane -
Reached Kiran at around 9:15. I was planning to sit till close, assuming thst they close around 10pm. Turns out they are open till midnight. All the best seats were taken when I arrived, so I settled on a less than optimal seat.
I was not impressed bu the quality of girls at Kiran DB. There was only 1 girl in the entire DB that I would consider beautiful. I spent the first 15 minutes checking out the scene and then eventually invited the 1 cute girl to sit with me. She requested and danced on a bunch of Rajasthani songs. The DJ was happy with Rs 50 per song. I paid the girl Rs200 per song. By midnight I had paid her over 2k.
The total bill for 2 Red Bull and a Thums Up was Rs 1300.
Ramesh OB:
Instead of trying a “new” OB, decided to head to good old Ramesh. The ground floor orchestra section was standing room only by the time I got there. Spotted a couple of new cuties on the stage. There were a number of regular guys in groups, splurging on their favorite dancers (splurging by Ramesh’s standards). The popular stage dancers made a lot of money last night. A number of guys ended up dancing more than the actual dancers.
One of the new chicks caught my fancy. Tipped her over 3k by the time I left around 2:15am. She was a good dancer and had a great attitude too.
We bumped into each other in the passage upstairs (outside the restroom) at closing time. I was pleasantly surprised when she initiated the conversation in fluent English. She introduced herself, asked my name, thanked me for tipping her and made further small talk. Nice babe, very popular and logically has no reason to meet guys outside of the bar.
Damages for drinks were Rs 1000 for 2 Thums Up.
In summary, Queens Palace DB was so-so, despite having some lovely babes ; Kiran DB was a let down and Ramesh rocked as usual.
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